Global Marketing

What’s in a Plug?

When it comes to product differentiation, it’s easy to assume that more product features will result in a more desirable product.  With technology developing at such a rapid pace, a common mistake is to put so much emphasis on creating new capabilities in an effort to “one up” competition.  Design, however, is taking on an […]

Global Marketing

Mel Gibson aka. William Wallace, Martin Riggs, the Road Warrior, will RETURN

Mad Mel, as he has become known can make a comeback in Hollywood. Gibson’s brand has suffered no doubt about it but let us not forget he realized the greatness that is Braveheart; added the coolness in the Lethal Weapons series, and was a hero to many film fans. The man’s brand has generated millions […]

Global Marketing

Considering Brand Equity When Investing

Building a premium brand in the minds of consumers goes far beyond creating a nice logo and slogan.  It requieres an ability to consistently deliver on the promises made to consumers.  Additionally, there must be clear communication of core values and internal mantra’s that guide decision making company wide.  Further still, a trainable and duplicatable […]

Global Marketing

Mario and Luigi need an Apple- An Example of Integrated Growth

Yes friends Mario and Luigi, these lovable Italian stereotypes have represented Nintendo since the company’s inception. And of course we have Apple; represented by an apple. So what does this blog title really mean? Team Alpha submits to you our Marketing Strategy of the day. What’s this strategic plan? You guessed it – Integrative Growth! […]