Global Marketing

Unilever Listens to Their Global Consumers

The article “Unilever to stop altering models’ bodies, skin color in advertising” discusses a bold move by Unilever, a global consumer goods company that sells products in various countries and markets around the world. The brand announced that it will no longer digitally alter models’ bodies or skin color in its advertising campaigns.

Their decision to make this change came after a series of global marketing mistakes. Overall, there were growing concerns from around the world about the harmful impact of unrealistic beauty standards and the lack of diversity in advertising. 

Part of the research conducted by the brand found that of 10,000 people surveyed globally, “more than half the respondents felt using ‘normal’ to describe hair or skin made people feel excluded, while 70% said using the word in advertising had a negative impact.” This led to the decision by Unilever to completely remove the word “normal” from the products, opting for a more inclusive message in their branding. 

Photo by Clay Banks

Business advertising and marketing strategies need to be sensitive to cultural differences and diverse consumer preferences in different regions. This move by Unilever highlights an across-the-board approach to international marketing communication; they listened to the global public and made sweeping changes in all of their brand’s messaging.

The decision to stop altering models’ bodies and skin color in ads reflects a growing trend toward inclusivity and diversity in the global marketplace. Consumers are becoming more vocal in their demand for representation and authentic representation of diversity and this is, in turn, influencing the way that brands approach advertising and marketing around the world.

Unilever’s attempt to promote more realistic and inclusive representations of beauty in its advertising has important implications for the other companies operating in the global market. They must also learn to listen to customers and take steps to address their concerns. By doing so, companies can build stronger relationships with their customers and should be an ongoing way of business.

In conclusion, Unilever’s move toward more inclusive advertising is a significant step toward fostering a better relationship with its global consumers. Their bold move is a call to action for other companies to follow suit and strive for better communication strategies: listen to your consumers and make the right adjustments.

2 replies on “Unilever Listens to Their Global Consumers”

Hi Anna! I loved this article and I am excited to see the results of this. Unilever is a massive company so this will have a dramatic effect on the industry. I am excited to see how other companies respond to this.

Hi Anna! This article is very promising in the sense that big companies are starting to take diversity into consideration. For so long, I didn’t have a band-aid with my skin color! Love that these brands are evolving.

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