Global Marketing

Domino’s Pizza Ruled India

Domino’s is the world’s biggest pizza chain. The brand is rapidly expanding its presence in various countries by preparing different people’s diverse needs in mind. Domino’s has dominated the Indian pizza market in recent years, so we were curious to learn more about what made the company so popular with pizzas in a country where even Starbucks sells a tandoori paneer roll.

In the food industry, speed of service is critical. People in India are increasingly choosing restaurants that serve food quickly and follow proper distribution protocols due to their evolving lifestyles. To do this, Domino’s is continually opening new locations because more locations allow the business to serve a more excellent range of customers, which contributes to a rise in revenue and profits.

In India’s traffic, the famous 30-minute maximum delivery time strategy has worked wonders, as 99 percent of Domino’s deliveries are completed within the defined time frame. The business operates motorcycles that can clear clogged Indian roads quicker than cars at rush hour. Every bike has been properly oiled and is in excellent condition. The delivery boys are working on a part-time and full-time basis. During peak hours, part-time workers are allocated to handle increased demand.

Domino’s has found over the years that the best way to target a geographic audience is to have some local flavor in the flavors. Domino’s has dominated the Indian industry with Peppy Paneer, Kebab Pizzas, and Cheese Burst Pizza. It also serves garlic bread, chocolate lava cake, spaghetti, and wraps, in addition to the unusual pizzas. Domino’s has been slowly expanding its menu to offer a great combination of Indian and Western flavors to sustain its high success rate.

Domino’s can deliver the pizza and service that customers desire in each country by catering to their tastes. Taking a look at the marketing mix in India vs. the United States, for example. There are around 3 or 4 different toppings available exclusively in Domino’s stores in India to suit their taste tastes. Since Hindus make up the bulk of India’s population, most of Domino’s pizzas are vegetarian. To appeal to the Indian culture, they also sell oregano spice mix packets rather than Parmesan cheese packets.
In comparison, marketing in India varies because pizza is considered a once-a-week special meal rather than regular fast food. Besides, Domino’s stores in India are situated in heavily populated areas such as shopping centers to produce more hype and attraction, while Domino’s stores in the United States are not.

At most of the stores, Domino’s offers a large dine-in space. The locations of stores throughout the country are situated by keeping factors like traffic flow, market, footfall, ease of delivery service, and parking space in mind.