Global Marketing

League of Legends: What makes the game legendary

League of Legends is a very popular game developed by Riot Games. The game launched on October 27, 2009. It has been almost 12 years since the game launched (Washington Post). The game has been adding to Riot Games’ profits. League of Legends is a similar game to capture the flag but with very amazing-looking […]

Global Marketing

Apple’s Global Distribution Channels

Apple is one of the leading technology companies in the world, making everything from phones to computers to earphones. They have really created a full ecosystem to connect all their products and services. Apple has 510 stores worldwide but also sells its products through third-party sellers and carrier providers. Apple is able to generate huge […]

Global Marketing

McDonald’s International Market Communications Strategy

Similar to many large businesses, McDonald’s uses an integrated international market communications approach to ensure the consistency of their brand and messages worldwide. They have developed a “think global, act local” strategy to help meet the cultural needs of each of their consumer segments.  This strategy allows them to leverage advantages of a combined globalization […]

Global Marketing

Netflix’ Winning Social Media Strategy

By Niharika and Gabby Since 1997, when Netflix officially launched, a lot has changed: we use the internet every day, social media has consumed most people, Alexa does everything for us, and we have cars that can drive themselves. The movie industry is just as different now.  The well-deserved success Netflix has gained in the […]

Global Marketing

Setting Ticket Prices to Maximize Sales

It is no question one of the most difficult decisions to make in the event planning process is just how much you should be charging for tickets. On one hand, one can argue if tickets are priced too high, ticket sales will plummet. On the other hand, if tickets are priced too low, sales will […]

Global Marketing

Behind The Curve: MLB’s Marketing Dilemma

In recent years, MLB has struggled to market its game, and more importantly its star players. In a previous blog, we analyzed how blackout rules have negatively impacted the accessibility to streaming games domestically and internationally. In addition to blackout rules, several key issues have plagued MLB’s marketing, and most are self-inflicted. A few topics […]

Global Marketing

Spotify Adapts to Indian Consumers

In a previous blog post, we discussed the rising buying power in Asian countries and did a specific analysis of different consumer behavior in India. It is incredibly important to fully analyze different cultures before entering a market to make sure that your product will appeal to the consumers of that culture. When Spotify entered […]

Global Marketing

Planet Fitness in China

Planet Fitness is an American company that primarily operates in 3 segments: corporate-owned stores, equipment, and franchise. It was founded in 1992 by Michael and Marc Grondahl and their headquarters are in Hampton, New Hampshire with their current CEO being Chris Rondeau. Planet Fitness aims to provide a diverse and inclusive high-quality gym environment which […]