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How to Effectively Manage Your Cleaning Business

Managing a cleaning service business is a lot of work. It involves coordination, careful planning, and diligence. You should be able to effectively manage your team to offer the best service to companies and organizations.

The following are tips to guide you

  • Have your kind of clients

To maximize your profits and skills, specialize in cleaning for a particular kind of clients. Target specific audience such as commercial businesses. This creates a brand for you and people in that area know who to contact. Don’t try to be everywhere. This also allows for referrals/ recommendations.

  • Attract office clients

Print fliers and business cards to give to prospective clients. You can also create a website that lists the services you provide. Include locations you specialize in and testimonials from old clients. You can also email managers or visit firms and note areas of improvement and then offer your services.

  • Charge enough to cover expenses

When you charge your clients, calculate the amount spent on acquiring cleaning supplies and time taken to get the job done. This will give you an idea of how much it costs to clean an office or firm and determines what you charge your client.

  • Have a cleaning method

Develop a system that doesn’t waste time. You can clean one office once and then move on to the next one or you can do the basic in each room then vacuum the whole office or block.

  • Get the best price for your cleaning supplies

While you are working on getting the right products for your cleaning tools and equipment, you should also try as much as possible to save money.  You can do this by buying your supplies in bulk. Buying in bulk reduces cost and maximizes profits. You can also get concentrated cleaners and dilute them in part.

  • Offer discounts to new customers

You can offer discounts to your new customers for their first cleaning service. This will bring more clients your way. You can also allow for refunds in cases where your clients are dissatisfied with your job.

  • Hire passionate employees

Hire people who are passionate and enjoy their work. Your clients are trusting you to deliver the best and your employees should understand that too. You can use an employment agency to help you hire the best candidates. Good employees get the job done well and earn you loyal clients. Your employees are a representation of your company and determine what feedback you get. Take your time and hire the right ones. You can also use GPS tracking systems to monitor your mobile employees.


In all, a cleaning business can be profitable, but you can lose a lot if you don’t do your homework well. Managing your employees is a top priority as they are mobile and it can be hard to keep up with, as you are not always with them. Have clear expectations and be flexible as a cleaning business owner. State your goals and clear standards.