Global Marketing

Savage X Fenty introduces Virtual Shopping Experience across stores

Rihanna’s Savage X Fenty has partnered with FIT:MATCH and Intel to take the in store shopping experience up a few levels by launching futuristic body shape technology. Using Intel Distribution and Intel’s RealSense Technology, the Fit-Xperience scans shoppers in real time, and with a quick scan the customers are matched with the best fitting styles based on the exact body shape. It will initially debut at the Lenox Square Mall, Atlanta; and slowly will be rolled out to all other locations. The brand has previously worked with FIT:MATCH in 2022 as well, launching an earlier version of the technology and at its first store in Vegas.

Rihanna aims at delivering a positive and seamless outlook, and believes the Fit-Xperience is very essential in determining the exact sizes, because a majority of the population does not even know their size due to shopping online or because of the various types of fits for a particular product. Guessing often leads to wrong decisions, so making sure people get their exact sizes would be revolutionary and a definite game changer, prompting other brands to catch up.

Using computer vision, augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI), the Fit-Xperience is able to create a re-imagined experience. The fitting room is equipped with Intel RealSense depth sensors that create an imaginary avatar based on their exact body shape, it then compares it to its vast database of bodies that have been scanned previously and digital twins. Intel OpenVINO then assists with the help of AI, to recommend the best fitting products for the consumer. The shoppers results are then instantly sent their results via email.

The advantage of sensors over cameras are plenty, firstly it gives a sense of security and safety as the customer feels a sense of privacy, as they know they are not being recorded. Secondly it helps in generating a very accurate representation of the body within a few seconds, helping customers and employees save a lot of time. Shoppers results are instantly sent to them  via email. The customers using Fit-Xperience has led to an four times conversion rate, 20% higher order values, increased the loyalty program signup rate twice and purchase 40% higher units per transaction, on an average. I think it’s a great move to capitalize on consumers comfort and fit needs, giving them a chance to successfully merge the physical and digital elements of the brand.
